Posting more than once a day is confusing. So rather than make two posts I'll save what I wanted to post today for tomorrow. In the meantime I'd really appreciate it if you made your way over to Blackberry Mama's blog and wished her a Happy Birthday! She has been influential and inspirational in every way. I can't wait to go to my first event and be able to give her a real hug. Until then, my virtual hug will have to do. Visit her, you won't regret it! And don't forget to tell her who sent you!
As I was going through my Droid grabbing pictures for my
next post I stumbled on hospital pictures I never shared. Since I have a
few friends about to have surgery I thought posting them was
important. There is only a few so don't worry about a long load time.
Jully 11th, 2001
This was my view in pre-op as I waited to be brought upstairs for surgery.
Look at that chubby, round, pale face. I was scared and did everything I could not to show it. This was pre-op still. Waiting for my good friend Leann (who also works on the surgical floor) to wheel me upstairs.
This was the view from my bed post-op. That black bag on the table is my CPAP machine bag. Everyday I struggled to get out of bed and walk as much as I could. My room was pretty spacious. I won't lie and tell you I couldn't wait to come home, quite the contrary. I LOVE staying in a hospital. It's quiet, calm and relaxing. People bring you food and fluff your pillow. Who wouldn't like that?
Not much to see, just more of the view I had from bed. The view from my window was boring so I didn't even bother to take a picture.
This was one of the highlights of my hospital stay. I'm a geek, I know I am and I watch too much damn Grey's Anatomy. My first highlight was the cute little Greys Anatomy scrubs the nurses wore. The second highlight? This big boy bag hanging up. Potassium Chloride, this stuff will keep you hydrated and have the potential to kill you! While I laid in bed I saw an episode of Law and Order that highlighted this very same substance. Can you imagine the freaked out position I laid in as I looked at the TV then looked at this bag. You can bet I grabbed my phone and Googled this stuff quick and in a hurry. LoL
Tomorrow I have some Chike to review and I can't wait to share it with you! I also will be doing my first giveaway next week so tell you're friends to come check out my blog if they want to win some yummy things to try!